Sunday, June 5, 2016

Arduino For Beginner - Week 3 lesson 2 - Piezo and Speaker

This exercise will teach you about how you can use the Photo resistor and Piezo or Speaker to make a noise or sound.

You can download the schematic and also the code from This link 

Arduino For Beginner - Week 3 Lesson 1 - Servo and Potentiometer

This part you will be able to learn about how you can use the Servo with Potentiometer using Arduino UNO.

  You can download the schematic and also the code from This link 

Arduino for Beginner - Week 2 Lesson 1 - Temperature Sensor

Today you will learn and get to know a sensor called TMP 36GZ that it used to retrieve the temperature of a place that it sit with Arduino UNO and LEDs


You can download the schematic and also the code from This link  

Arduino for Beginner - Week 2 Lesson 2 - Photo Resistance

This lesson will help you to see more about 3 Photo Resistors working differently and control the LED lightness.

This Link

 You can download the schematic and also the code from This link
